Poznati citat iz serijala Star Trek koju izgovara Borg: "Resistance is Futile" često se koristi kako bi se dočarala nemogućnost opiranja nekakvoj sili. Fraza mi je poslužila da naglasim hipnotičku moć središnjeg dijela ilustracije. "Resistance is futile... You will be assimilated." (Otpor je uzaludan... Bit ćete asimilirani.)
The famous quote from the series Star Trek, which is pronounced Borg: "Resistance is Futile" is often used to illustrate the impossibility of resisting the force of some kind. The phrase we used to emphasize the hypnotic power of the central part of the artwork. "Resistance is futile... You will be assimilated."
Uvjeti korištenja: Besplatno samo za nekomercijalnu uporabu.
Terms of Use: Free for non-commercial use only.
Resistance Is Futile wallpaper - Mix - Toni Podmanicki
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